Scholarship for Vietnamese students Scholarship for Vietnamese students

  • Our Scholarship students

  • Now that I have fulfilled my dream of studying in Japan, I would like to study the evolution of the Earth, including its physical properties, as an astrophysicist in the future.

    VŨ XUÂN TÙNG DƯƠNG1st scholarship student

    Tohoku University, School of Engineering, International Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Course

    For me, studying in Japan was once a distant dream due to my family's financial situation. However, thanks to the long-term good relations between Vietnam and Japan, and a scholarship from the Fast Retailing Foundation, my dream has come true. This scholarship has changed not only my future to study in Japan, but also my family's future. I am majoring in the School of Engineering’s International Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Course at Tohoku University.

    After graduation, I plan to pursue a PhD in astronomy and astrophysics, and in the future, I would like to become an astronomer. This is because I am strongly interested in understanding physical phenomena in our daily life and would like to study the evolution of the Earth, including its physical properties, as a researcher in astrophysics (astronomy and astrophysics). Last fall I started my university life to realize my dream. I think that many difficulties and challenges await me in the future. Nevertheless, I believe that with my determination and hard work, I can achieve success.